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You’re Looking For

You have a lot to look forward to. Learn about ways of living with your retinal disease and stay connected to the people and activities you care about.

Caring for Someone Living
with a Retinal Disease?

Assisting a loved one with a retinal disease can have unique challenges. However, there are simple tips to help you care for them and yourself.

Assisting a Loved One


You may be a cheerleader, advocate, secretary, and supporter all in one. It’s important to balance your roles, remain positive, and stay resilient for your loved one.

the Victories

Take time to appreciate the victories. Try to support your loved one through the highs and lows and keep the journey in perspective.


Don’t assume your help is always required. Listen to your loved one’s needs and be open in your conversations.

Be an Extra Set
of Eyes & Ears

One of the simplest ways to help a loved one diagnosed with a retinal disease is to support them at eye appointments. Consider taking notes during doctor discussions or bringing up questions your loved one may have forgotten to ask.


Using resources such as the Amsler Grid can be a helpful way to monitor your loved one’s vision between appointments.


Motivate &

Try reminding the one you’re caring for of their overall goals and progress. You can motivate each other to maintain treatment or lifestyle changes and take small steps to positively impact their eye health as well as yours.

Caring for Yourself

Ask for

Know your limits and involve others in the process. If possible, reach out to family, friends, and healthcare providers and start a conversation about what they can do to help.

Join a Support

Find a support group near you where you can share your experiences and hear what others are doing to provide care.

Take Control
of Your Health

Remember, you provide the best care when you take care of yourself. Stay active, eat nutritious foods, and get the proper amount of sleep.

Make Time
for You

While ensuring your loved one is properly cared for, make sure you are keeping a balance and making time to do the things you love to do as well.

Connect with
Support Programs

Check out programs like Rides in Sight* that provide support for people living with retinal diseases. Programs like these are especially helpful for times when you’re too busy to provide a ride for the person you’re caring for.

Keep Your Own
Vision in Mind

If you’ve also been diagnosed with a retinal disease, it’s important that you schedule regular appointments to get your own eye exams.

Caregiver Tips from Experts

The Many Roles
of a

Advocate. Motivator in chief. Caring for someone with Wet Age-Related Macular Edema may require you to take on multiple roles that require empathy and understanding.

Being a Partner

DR may be a lifelong challenge. That's way it's critical for someone living with DR to have partners that can help them stay on track and motivated to make the right choices each step of the way.

Keeping Eyes a
in DME

Regular visits to the eye doctor are important - especially for someone living with Diabetic Macular Edema - and a key part of a holistic approach to managing diabetes.